Climate of the United Kingdom

Weather in Bulgaria on April 5: Clear Skies And Sunshine

Tonight, the weather is expected to be mostly clear with a gentle westerly breeze. Minimum temperatures will range from 4°C to 9°C, while in Sofia, temperatures will be around 5°C. Tomorrow, the forecast indicates mostly sunny conditions. Cloud cover will gradually increase, particularly in mountainous and eastern areas, but any precipitation is expected to be minimal.

Weather In Bulgaria On February 15: Sunny In The West And Cloudy Along The Coast

During the night, in the western part of the country, cloudiness will decrease to mainly clear weather, while the eastern part will remain cloudy with rain showers in some areas. Tomorrow, it will be sunny in Western and Central Bulgaria, while the eastern regions will remain cloudy and rainy, mainly in Southeastern Bulgaria.

Weather Forecast For February: Temperatures Ranging From Minus 12 To Plus 20 Degrees

February will start with positive temperatures. The first ten days will have temperatures above the climatic norms, despite the negative temperatures with which we woke up on the first day of the month said the meteorologist from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), Anastasia Stoycheva, on the radio show "Exactly Today" on Radio Plovdiv."

Weather in Bulgaria: More Rain and Show Today

The minimum temperatures will be between minus 1°C and 6°C, and the maximum - between 5°C and 10°C. In Sofia, the minimum temperature will be around minus 1°C, and the maximum - around 4°C.

The weather will remain cloudy, with rain showers, on the high western fields - snow. After noon, the rain will stop from the west. The wind will be light to moderate from the west-northwest.
