Clinical medicine

Dominican Republic confirms 10 cases of Zika virus

The Dominican Republic said on Jan. 23 that it has 10 confirmed cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus, the ailment suspected of causing serious birth defects in newborns.

Altagracia Guzman, the Caribbean country's health minister, said lab testing of samples sent to the United States had confirmed Zika in 10 out of 27 suspected cases. 

Alarming news: Oral sex is linked to brain tumors and throat cancer, cervical cancer too!

A study from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York found that oral sex dramatically increases the risk of head and cancers. The new research suggested that people carrying the virus in their mouth were an alarming 22 times more likely to develop a lethal tumor.

Nose bandages symbolize Iran cosmetic surgery craze

Tens of thousands of Iranians head for the operating table every year in a rush for a nose job or other plastic surgery. South American and Turkish soap operas have helped boost the trendLying on an operating table in northern Tehran, Nazanine says she wants it all: a third nose job, her eyebrows tattooed and liposuction on her thighs to "fix" her figure.

Turkey 'top destination for hair transplant surgery'

Turkey ranks the world's first for the number of hair transplant operations carried out, amid rapidly rising demand from Arab citizens from Gulf countries.

A senior official from the Health Ministry, Ömer Tontu?, said over 200 hair transplant operations were carried out daily in Turkey, mainly on foreign patients. 
