Constitutional court

Constitutional Court Strikes Down Key Elements of Bulgaria's Judicial Reform

The Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has ruled against a significant portion of the recent judicial reform amendments to the Constitution. The Court deemed many of these changes unconstitutional, particularly those that proposed dividing the Supreme Judicial Council into two separate entities: the Supreme Judicial Council and the Supreme Prosecutor's Council.

CECC rejects membership request by so-called Kosovo's constitutional court

BELGRADE - A request by the so-called Kosovo's constitutional court for admission to the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC) has been rejected after failing to attain the required two-third majority at a May 22-23 meeting of the Circle of Presidents of the CECC, the Constitutional Court of Serbia announced on Tuesday.

Bulgaria: Atanasova and Belazelkov Join Constitutional Court

In a recent parliamentary session, two new judges, Desislava Atanasova and Borislav Belazelkov, secured their positions on the Constitutional Court, representing the legislature's quota. Atanasova, the former floor leader of GERB-SDS, earned her nomination from the party, while Belazelkov was put forward by We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria.

Justice minister advocates new charter amid judicial row

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç has proposed the necessity of drafting a new constitution in the wake of a deepening disagreement between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court over the imprisonment of MP Can Atalay.

The minister's proposition aligns with the long-standing efforts of the government.

Two top courts at loggerheads

The Supreme Court of Appeals has decided to file criminal complaints against members of the Constitutional Court over a profound disagreement on the case of imprisoned Workers' Party of Türkiye (TİP) lawmaker Can Atalay, in a first and unprecedented legal dispute in the history of the Turkish judiciary.
