Crimes against humanity

3 Romanians arrested for double murder in eastern Serbia

Three Romanian citizens have been arrested on suspicion that they murdered an elderly couple in the village of Brodice, near Pozarevac, eastern Serbia.

The Interior Ministry (MUP) also said that the three - V.G., born in 1961, F.G. (1967) and V.D. (1972) - are being held on the order of the prosecution based on suspicion that they committed the criminal act of aggravated murder.

Whac-a-mole sexual slavery

There is an old fairground game called Whac-a-Mole. You whack a (fake) mole on the head and drive it down into its hole - and instantly one or more other moles pop up out of other holes. It's an excellent metaphor for humanity's inability to abolish sexual slavery.

Turkey's top court rules against state in torture victim's appeal

Turkey has failed to fulfill its "positive obligation" to effectively prevent torture and ill treatment, the country's top court has ruled in a case filed by a person who was tortured while in custody.

According to the ruling published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 22, the applicant will be paid 30,000 liras for non-pecuniary damages.
