Cruise ship

Complaints push cruise ships on Bosphorus to buy audio level meters for self-measurement

The Istanbul Governor's Office and the provincial directorate of environment and urban planning have ramped up their inspections on entertainment cruise ships touring the Bosphorus Strait following the increase in the number of complaints coming from residents regarding noise population.

Crowded with Cruise Ships, Fears for Montenegrin Bay

Dusan Varda recalls strolling through the Old City of Kotor one late-autumn evening last year.

"There was almost no one but waiters in smoothly ironed uniforms in empty, now mainly luxurious restaurants - this is now the typical image of Kotor in the off-season," he said, lamenting what has become of this walled city and its Venetian palaces in Montenegro's fjord-like Bay of Kotor.

Cruise market stayed stuck in 2018

The state's failure to develop new cruise tourism destinations and to protect existing ones from saturation, combined with the absence of major international players from cruise routes to and from Turkey, brought another recessionary year for the Greek sector in 2018. However, data on cruiser arrivals in Piraeus last year point to a likely increase.
