
Are we doing well?

The management of public opinion is among the tasks of every government. In a developed democracy one would argue that this management must focus on a continuous and systematic explanation of the government's strategy for the achievement of explicitly stated goals, so as to dispel confusion and remove unavoidable obstacles to policy making.

Hostility and violence

The specter of political violence has returned to Europe. It is not a development that can be considered completely unexpected. The way the public sphere is fed, the toxicity of political discourse and its new channels of diffusion have created a combustible environment in most European democracies. 

Open letter before European Parliament election: Prioritize democracy as authoritarianism grows

Nearly 300 signatories have signed an open 10-point letter before next month's European Parliament election, saying lawmakers should be putting democracy at the top of their agenda in an increasingly authoritarian world.

Institutional reaction

During the years of the financial crisis, the Greek Parliament witnessed incidents that did not honor the principles of parliamentary democracy. At that time, due to extreme polarization, there was no immediate institutional response available. This time however, as fringe forces once again seized prominence, the reaction was swift and efficient.

Bulgaria Shows Improvement in Judicial System, Says Freedom House Report

Bulgaria stands out as one of the five countries among a group of 29 nations that have made strides in enhancing their judicial systems, according to the latest annual report released by "Freedom House," an American foundation dedicated to assessing democracy and human rights worldwide.

Local elections an essential milestone in Türkiye’s journey towards democracy

Fair, transparent, and regular elections are the most fundamental components of modern democracies. In democratic systems, it is fundamental that the authority and power of those in power be derived from the electorate or the governed. These powers are renewed through regular elections.
