
Student sit-ins: A Greek user manual

Occupation: This pivotal term traces back to the distant 1973, resonating with undiminished intensity to the present day. Campuses worldwide were ablaze, the culmination of which would be witnessed in Athens: the events at the Law School in February and March, followed by those at the Polytechnic later on, notably the famous three-day occupation in November that ended in bloodshed.

Metapolitefsi divides generations

The remarkable (if not yawning) chasm between the generation that experienced the entire cycle of Greece's return to democracy after the fall of the 1967-74 military dictatorship and younger age groups born into the cycle of the so-called Metapolitefsi has been vividly illustrated by a poll commissioned by Kathimerini that was presented last week at a conference on the subject.

Lessons from the Metapolitefsi

Is Greece's transition to democracy, a historical process known as the "Metapolitefsi," complete? What are the legacies and hangups left behind, 50 years after the collapse of the military dictatorship? The debate on these and many more questions has started, and it needs to carry on, if for no other reason than to separate myth from reality.
