
Slovenia ageing rapidly

A Eurostat projection indicates that the age structure of Slovenia's population will change significantly in the coming decades as population ageing accelerates. In 2100, the elderly are expected to account for a third of the country's population, which is forecast to decline by some 7% in the next eight decades.

Integration – the EU’s white elephant

It is no secret that Europe has been struggling to come to an agreement on a pan-European migration policy since the 2015 migration "crisis." Public and political sentiments on the topic have swung from the left to the right over the years, resulting in the latest, trimmed-down New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposal that is currently being debated in Brussels.

Baby Fears: Population Anxiety Mustn’t be Resolved at Cost to Women’s Rights

Anxieties about "too few" people are particularly strong in Eastern Europe, where low fertility rates are compounded by high levels of emigration. As a result, country's populations have been shrinking, in some cases by more than 25 per cent since the early 1990s.

Aging dents competitiveness

Greece is the only country among 81 states that is expected to have reduced spending on its aging population by 2060, which shows that the social security reform during the fiscal streamlining decade will bear fruit in the long run. On its own, however, it is not enough.

Young Turks surf on internet 4 hours a day: Survey

Turkish youngsters watch TV two hours a day and spend four hours a day surfing the internet, according to a survey by the Turkish Youth Non-Governmental Organizations' Platform.

The survey, conducted with some 8,000 volunteers between 15 and 30 years of age, showed that three out of every 10 young Turk want to set up their own business.
