
Conspiracy theories

Greece is not Turkey. It is therefore a huge mistake for a party to adopt - even tacitly - outlandish conspiracy theories indicating that Sunday's election may be tampered with. Such issues have been resolved, once and for all, and no one has cast the faintest shadow of a doubt on any electoral contest since 1974.

Crime and politics

Cases coming under the category of common criminal law, in which politicians appear as suspects, should not become material for political scandalmongering. 

In the recent past, media have not observed this rule. The result was to poison public debate with hatred and conspiracy theories. 

Back at the crossroads

We have been hearing a lot of rumors in Greece and beyond about the possibility of a referendum being held this summer on whether the country should remain in the eurozone. Some believe that this is part of a great conspiracy to push Greece to the edge and trigger a plebiscite in an atmosphere of intense anti-European sentiment. We have seen no evidence to support this, however.
