Distance education
University enrollment tops 7 million
The number of students enrolled in Turkish universities has soared past 7 million, a figure that now eclipses the populations of many provinces and even some European countries.
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Online Education in Bulgaria: Still Unpopular
Eurostat provided the latest data on educational methods in the member states of the European Union on January 24th*, with a particular focus on those related to online education.
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Minister unveils series of changes in education
With the start of the new academic year just around the corner, Education Minister Yusuf Tekin has announced a series of new regulations, including the reintroduction of grade retention in high schools, tightening the transition to distance education and measures on students' school attendance.
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Distance education spreads among high school students
Nine percent of high school students in the country prefer to continue their education through distance learning, where they do not physically attend school and carry out all exams and learning processes remotely as this preference has increased in recent years, local media has reported.
Study reveals limitations of online lockdown classes
A new study has shed light on the limitations of remote learning during the pandemic lockdowns. Conducted as part of a postgraduate program at the University of Athens, the University of Thessaly and the University of West Attica, the research involved interviews with educators from various educational levels.
Classes empty despite face-to-face education
While two weeks have passed since the start of hybrid education in universities that offered both face-to-face and online lectures, classes have remained empty as most students preferred to attend classes remotely.
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Schools ushered into the digital age
As part of the effort to digitally transform school education, the Education Ministry plans to introduce interactive whiteboards and robotics systems.
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USA: Mother accuses teachers of manipulated child to change gender identity
When schools went to remote learning during the pandemic she said her daughter began returning to her old self & now uses her given name
Fewer pupils distance-learning over refusal to heed Covid rules
Ljubljana – The share of primary school children who are distance learners because they refuse to comply with Covid restrictions in schools is declining. However, there are at least dozen cases where parents decided to sue schools over the enforced pandemic rules. The share is now 0.84%, meaning 1,625 students, down from 3.61% last November, when self-testing was introduced in schools.
Bulgarian Teachers have Done Better with Distance Learning than their European Counterparts
A study by the European Commission shows that because of distance learning, children spend an average of six and a half hours online online. At the same time, Bulgarian experts claim that teachers in our country do better in online learning than their European counterparts.