Distance education

Study reveals limitations of online lockdown classes

A new study has shed light on the limitations of remote learning during the pandemic lockdowns. Conducted as part of a postgraduate program at the University of Athens, the University of Thessaly and the University of West Attica, the research involved interviews with educators from various educational levels.

Fewer pupils distance-learning over refusal to heed Covid rules

Ljubljana – The share of primary school children who are distance learners because they refuse to comply with Covid restrictions in schools is declining. However, there are at least dozen cases where parents decided to sue schools over the enforced pandemic rules. The share is now 0.84%, meaning 1,625 students, down from 3.61% last November, when self-testing was introduced in schools.

Bulgarian Teachers have Done Better with Distance Learning than their European Counterparts

A study by the European Commission shows that because of distance learning, children spend an average of six and a half hours online online. At the same time, Bulgarian experts claim that teachers in our country do better in online learning than their European counterparts.
