
At least today, 131 years after Eminescu morphed into Hyperion, let us not criticize him

Mihai Eminescu has "unveiled" the soul in its purest forms, said on Monday the president of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, who urged that at least today, on the 131st anniversary of the poet's death, we do not criticize him. "In adolescence, we learned that on January 15 and June 15, we are entitled to think of Eminescu as our homeland.

New beginning awaits, thirty years after Romanian Peasant Museum reopens

Manager of the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant (MNTR) Virgil-Stefan Nitulescu said on Tuesday that 30 years after the reopening of the museum on February 5, 1990, a new beginning awaits its team, currently working on reopening MNTR's permanent exhibition. "February 5, 1990 represents to us the moment of a new beginning.

President Iohannis, about Revolution of 1989: We want the culprits be brought to justice

President Klaus Iohannis has stated at the Romanian Athenaeum on Sunday that the culprits of the Revolution of December 1989 must be brought to justice and called on all Romanians to "speak loud and clear about the Revolution of December 1989." The head of state says that "the best antidote against forgetfulness" is evoking the facts, now and forever, as well as protecting and caring for the me

Romanian Academy's President Ioan-Aurel Pop: Doina Cornea, legendary face, comparable to Harriet Beecher Stowe

The President of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, compared Doina Cornea with the author of the famous novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin", who is known to have had a frail stature but who succeeded in overturning a world of injustice."