Donald Trump presidential campaign

Ivanka Trump: 'I Believe my Father's Denials' of Sexual Misconduct

Ivanka Trump says she finds it "pretty inappropriate" for a reporter to have asked if she believes the women who accuse her father of sexual misconduct, BBC reports. 

"I don't think that's a question you would ask many other daughters," she replied when interviewed by NBC News.

The White House: Donald Trump Asked for a Military Parade

US President Donald Trump has called for a military parade in Washington, the White House said on Tuesday, the France press reports.

The head of state, who spoke of his idea before he officially took office, made his request to Defense Ministry officers who are currently looking for a suitable date.

More than Half of Americans Fear that Trump may use a Nuclear Weapon

More than half of Americans (52 percent) fear that President Donald Trump may resort to unlawful use of nuclear weapons, according to a nationwide poll conducted jointly by the Washington Post and ABC TV. 60 percent of respondents said they would not trust Trump with the nuclear button, and 38 percent said the opposite.
