
Bizarre, wormlike and oozing milk for their babies

Motherhood takes many shapes. Most vertebrates, including birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, reproduce by laying eggs filled with nourishing yolk that their offspring use as an initial source of nutrition before hatching. Mammals change the game by giving birth to live young and feeding them fatty, sugary milk as they get on their feet.

Study Finds Why is it so Difficult for Humans to have Baby

According to a new study by a researcher at the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath contends that 'selfish chromosomes' are to blame for the early demise of the majority of human embryos. The discovery explains why human embryos frequently don't survive while fish embryos do not have repercussions for the management of infertility.

Making Babies, Pushing Boundaries: The Great Greek Fertility Market

She had come to Athens in her teens and found a scene to suit her tastes in scruffy-but-trendy Gazi district. She styled herself as a punk and, with her cropped hair and soft features, could have passed for a beautiful boy playing at being a girl, or vice versa. As a kid, growing up in Bulgaria, she had a thing for toy soldiers.
