Erectile dysfunction

Move over Viagra, here comes miracle gel!

When Viagra came out men with penile dysfunction across the world rejoiced. But times have passed and the miracle pill seems like a thing of the distant past. A series of trial tests have shown that the new erectile dysfunction gel, Eroxon manufactured by British Manufacturer Futuru Medical can get men aroused in up to 10 minutes, compared to Viagra that needs half an hour to take effect.

9 men and 6 women out of 10 cheat on their spouses, study indicates

The Athens Andrology Institute published a study that reveals 8 in 10 men and 6 in 10 women are unfaithful to their spouses. The President of the Institute, Konstantinos Konstandinidis says couples falsely get the impression their sexual attraction to each other will remains similar to like when they met. ‘This does not last long’, he says.

Problems of Serbs in sex

Problems of Serbs in sex

Urologists estimate that between 30 and 50 percent of men in Serbia suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the chief, most frequent and absolutely curable problem in men.