Ethnic groups in Greece

‘Natives’ and ‘foreigners’

It would have been better if our political parties had been able to overcome their fears of postal and electronic votes, but the bipartisan agreement providing for Greeks abroad to vote in our elections is already a major achievement for our politics and society: for politics because it is one of the very few times we have seen broad consensus, and for our society because it is an act of unific

Intellectuals Condemn Bulgaria’s ‘Unacceptable’ Demands of North Macedonia

Historians, political science experts, clerics, journalists, sociologists, economists and other prominent intellectuals from Bulgaria and North Macedonia have expressed "disappointment and deep concern" about the document issued by the Bulgarian government listing its various demands of North Macedonia.

Northern Macedonia is Expected to Receive the Green Light to Begin EU Accession Talks

Next week, Northern Macedonia is expected to receive the green light to begin EU accession talks. This can only be done if all Member States agree. The government is about to discuss the Enlargement Package, which covers all of our country's conditions for northern Macedonia.
