
Özdemir Asaf: A gentle poet

Turkey on Jan. 28 commemorated Özdemir Asaf, a unique poet of contemporary Turkish literature, on the 39th anniversary of his death.

Born in Ankara, the Turkish capital, on June 11, 1923, Asaf was known to be a man with gentle characteristics and love for life.

Love at the heart of Bedri Rahmi expo in İzmir

"My black mulberry, my forked darky, my gypsy,
What more will you be to me, my odd one, queer one,
My smiling quince, my weeping pomegranate,
My baby, my stallion, my wife."

Turkey's best-known love poem, "My Mulberry" by Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, is at the heart of the retrospective exhibition by the poet-painter in İzmir's Folkart Gallery.