
Historical amnesia

History is often forgotten over time and this can become extremely dangerous, especially in the TikTok era. During a conversation with the renowned American journalist Susan Glasser, I was taken aback by something she shared. In an interview, Donald Trump mentioned the possibility of becoming a "dictator for one day" if re-elected.

Nostalgia for events unlived

As a millennial, I learned about the Athens Polytechnic Uprising in a rather quiet manner, through books and from two or three trusted people who were there. I read poems about it and listened to songs; I went to events that had an emotional impact.

No ‘quick wins’ in defending democracy

Democracy is under threat across the world. Fewer people today live in democracies than did two decades ago. Opposition to democracy, and to capitalism, has grown as populists launch "culture wars" - cruelly exploiting migrants and minorities - and appeal to the socially and economically excluded. This is a cocktail variously stirred by Trump, Brexit, Modi, Le Pen, Orban and Meloni.

21 members of Italian neo-fascist group arrested in Athens

A group of 21 Italian neo-fascists were apprehended at Athens International Airport late on Tuesday, as reported by the police.

The group, members of the far-right group CasaPound, intented to attend a rally on Wednesday afternoon, commemorating the 2013 killing of two members of the now-defunct neo-Nazi Golden Dawn outside the party's offices in Neo Iraklio, northern Athens.

The new, old far-right wave

In September 2013, following the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, the Greek authorities launched a crackdown on the leadership of Golden Dawn. A person who is now 17 years old and has just voted for the first time in the May and June elections was only 7 back then.

The many claimants of victory

Legislative efforts to shield the state against the far-right failed and the seed of fascism was not pulled up by the roots. So what if one of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn's most prominent lieutenants was jailed? He's still pulling the strings from his cell.
