
Scheduled flights resume between Ljubljana and Helsinki

The Finnish air carrier Finnair re-launched scheduled flights between Helsinki and Ljubljana after a three-year hiatus on 10 April. It will be flying between the two capitals four times a week.

Finnair will be flying an Airbus A319 to Helsinki on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Flights from Ljubljana will depart at 9:25am and arrive in Helsinki at 1.05pm local time.

Turkish, Finnish flag carriers sign codeshare deal

Flag carriers of Turkey and Finland have signed a codeshare agreement to expand destinations in networks of both Turkish Airlines and Finnair.

Set to begin on Sept. 29, the deal on flights between Istanbul and Helsinki and beyond will open up new destinations for travelers, Turkish Airlines said in a statement on Sept. 23. 

Emergency Landing of a Finnair Plane Due to the Death of a Passenger on Board

A Finnair Airlines plane flying from Helsinki to Paris landed an emergency in the Finnish city of Turku due to the death of a passenger on board, RIA Novosti reports.

The airline's press service says the plane made an unplanned landing in Turku because of a sick passenger.