Fukushima Prefecture

Japan falls silent to mark decade since tsunami disaster

Japan fell silent on March 11 to mark 10 years since the worst natural disaster in the country's living memory: a powerful earthquake, deadly tsunami and nuclear meltdown that traumatized a nation.

A minute's silence was observed across the country at 2.46 pm local time (0546 GMT), the precise moment a 9.0 magnitude quake hit off the northeast coast on March 11, 2011.

6 on the Richter Scale near Fukushima

A magnitude 6 earthquake shook an area east of the Japanese Fukushima Prefecture, where the Fukushima Power Plant is located, reports Actualno.

According to data from the National Meteorological Administration, the epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 10 km. There is no information about injuries and damages, there is no danger of tsunami waves, reported BGNews.

Fukushima nuclear decommission, compensation costs to almost double-media

TOKYO, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Japan's trade ministry has almost doubled the estimated cost of compensation for the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and decommissioning of the damaged Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant to more than 20 trillion yen ($177.51 billion), the Nikkei business daily reported on Nov. 27. 

Videos the moment the 7.4 tremor hits Japan (videos)

Numerous videos of the moment the powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Fukushima, Japan on Tuesday have been circulating around the internet. A clip uploaded by newspaper Guardian shows the suspended transit signs at a train station swaying back and forth the moment the tremor hits.
