Geomagnetic storm

A Magnetic Storm Hits the Earth over the Weekend

A magnetic storm is expected to hit the Earth on the last day of August. The warning is from the Center for Space Weather Forecasts at the US National Agency for the Study of Atmosphere and Oceans. The cause of the geomagnetic disturbance is high-speed solar wind. At this stage, the forecast is for a light magnetic storm (G1).

There Was a Surprisingly Powerful Solar Storm Today

The measurements of the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences points out that the geomagnetic activity on Tuesday is much higher than normal. 

In the morning, the Earth's Disturbance Storm Time (Dst) indexreached level 7 of a total of 9 on a scale that corresponds to a strong geomagnetic storm.

The sun is ripping apart! NASA image shows vast ‘hole’ spreading across the solar surface


An elongated coronal hole stretching across the face of the sun sent solar wind particles gushing toward Earth last week.


NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has revealed a stunning animation of the phenomenon, showing the massive dark patch marring the surface of our star.


Two solar eruptions caused geomagnetic storm

As was announced by US National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), two solar eruptions occurred on Sunday causing a strong geomagnetic storm on Tuesday’s earth atmosphere that could disrupt electricity and telecommunications networks.

However, according to the announcement, no problems have been reported so far.