Global Competitiveness Report

The competitiveness of the Greek economy is almost stable

Greece's position in terms of competitiveness fell by just one position compared to last year, according to data from Swiss-based International Institute for Management Development (IMD) published today. The country is now in 47th place in the relevant ranking, falling from 46th place last year, among 63 countries.

Serbia moves up 12 positions in Global Competitiveness Index

BELGRADE - Serbia ranks 78th out of 138 countries in the World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) after moving up 12 positions from last year, the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) announced on Wednesday.

Serbia's index is 4.14 - the country's best result since 2010.

Serbia moves up in Global Competitiveness Index

Serbia is up 12 places in the latest the World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Competitiveness Index (GCI).

Serbia ranks 78th out of 138 countries, it was announced on Wednesday.

This is country's best result since 2010, representatives of the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) and the Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN) have told a news conference.

Turkey's competitiveness gap

If you thought my last column painted a gloomy picture of the Turkish economy, you should know that you didn?t see even half of it. Space constraints prevented me from going over the plunge in exports, lending, and the Central Bank?s reserves as well as several reports.
