Go software

‘Dairy Philosopher’ to make home-made films for YouTube

In 2015, his character popularized the philosophy of "something else is possible." Now, five years on, he's planning to do the same thing in real life. Müfit Can Saçıntı, who starred in the 2015 hit "The Dairy Farm Philosopher," is set to put the maxim into practice by turning internet-based cinema into a sustainable business.

Google Suspends 210 Youtube Channels "Uploading Videos Related to the Ongoing Protests in Hong Kong"

Internet giant Google has suspended 210 Youtube channels that were part of a campaign by the Chinese authorities which aimed to spread disinformation around the Hong Kong protests.

"We discovered channels in this network behaved in a coordinated manner while uploading videos related to the ongoing protests in Hong Kong," Google says

Greek MLS Smartphones Come to Bulgaria with a Voice Assistant in Bulgarian

Greek Technology Company MLS Innovation Inc. announced its entry into Bulgaria. Their main advantage is a voice assistant in Bulgarian language. The MAIC (Artificial Intelligence Center) is an innovative technology embedded in the company's products. It allows voice interaction over a phone or tablet in Bulgarian. The software is available on all devices in the company.

180° Announces Open-call for Short Mute Movie

For a third year "180° - laboratory for innovative art" announces open-call for short mute movies. This year's topic is "elements" and we are very curious to see your vision on it. All the chosen videos will be presented in our event on 23.07.2018 and the musicians of 180° Ensemble will improvise its sounding and music live. In the end the audience of 180° will choose the winner.

YouTube Will Recognize Songs in Videos

In many clips and videos, interesting songs often attract attention. Many people get their favorite songs this way, especially on YouTube. However, finding the song can be difficult and the video portal thinks it can help.

YouTube starts gradually releasing the "Music in this video" feature. It will automatically try to recognize which songs are used in a video.
