The Holocaust and the United States

Zuroff: Honours for Deva an insult to memory of his victims

JERUSALEM - The director of Jerusalem-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Efraim Zuroff, says the Centre consistently opposes a renovation of the Kosovska Mitrovica house of WWII Nazi collaborationist Xhafer Deva.

In a statement to Tanjug, Zuroff said honours for Deva sent a horrible message to the Kosovo society and were a terrible insult to the memory of his numerous victims.

Scandalous documents disclosed: "Putin was right"

The director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel denounced Canadian troops for training neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, saying Ottawa has a responsibility to prevent such things from happening. "The Canadian government has not paid due attention," Zuroff told Citizen of Ottawa. However, the Canadian military has denied any obligation to screen participants in the training.