Human weight

Four out of 10 Greek kids have a weight problem

Poor diet, lack of sleep and exercise, and very low rates of breastfeeding are seen as the main causes of children being overweight in Greece. 

Experts also note the Greek mentality that associates the expression of love with the offer of large quantities of food, as well as celebrations with the consumption of sweets. 

Epidemic’s toll: Less physical activity, more overweight kids, digital addiction

Ljubljana – The latest measurements have revealed the Covid epidemic has severely impaired school children’s physical efficiency, making 10% addicted to digital devices, and increasing the share of overweight kids by 30%. Experts thus propose several measures to address the issue, such as no more school closures and possibly no homework.

March 4: World Obesity Day: Well Over Half Bulgarians Are Overweight

Two out of three Bulgarians are obese or unhealthily overweight. By this alarming indicator, our country is ahead of both Europe and the world, show the most up-to-date WHO data for 2021, and the reason to quote it is World Obesity Day - 4 March. This means that over 61% of Bulgarians suffer from obesity.

WHO: 61.7% of Bulgarians over 18 are Overweight

According to data of the World Health Organization 61.7% of Bulgarians over 18 are overweight which places the country close to top of the list in Europe regarding this index.

The situation is similar with children - 13.6% are overweight. Experts say that this is due mostly to an unhealthy lifestyle that includes a high-calorie diet combined with lack of exercise, BNR reported.

In Five Years, Every Second Person Is Expected to Be Overweight

In five years, every second person is expected to be overweight. 40 percent of people over 18 in the world are currently overweight. Prof. Zdravko Kamenov, Head of the Clinic of Endocrinology and Diseases of Exchange at the Aleksandrovska University Hospital, said this at the BTA National Press Club.

People Below the Average Height Are more likely to Be Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

People below the average height are more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, according to a study cited by France Press and BTA.

The 10 cm height increase is an average of 41% less risk of diabetes for men and 33% less risk for women. The study also considered other factors such as age, lifestyle, educational qualifications and waist circumference.
