Hurricane Florence

Record Wind Gusts of 255 km/h Hit Iceland

Hurricane winds of 255 km/h have been recorded by weather stations in Iceland.

The weather station Hafnarfjall reported an incredible wind gusts of 255.6 km/h (= 71 m/s = 159 mph) this morning, 11 GMT. Hafnarfjall is located around 40 km north of the capital Reykjavik

Warnings for possible interruptions to ferry lines and power outages have been issued in the UK

Hurricane Florence Smashes into US East Coast, Rescuers Scramble

AFP - Hurricane Florence smashed into the US East Coast Friday with howling winds, torrential rains and life-threatening storm surges as emergency crews scrambled to rescue hundreds of people stranded in their homes by flood waters.

Forecasters warned of catastrophic flooding and other mayhem from the monster storm, which is only Category 1 but physically sprawling and dangerous.