Income tax

Property tax surplus may lead to more installments or cuts

By Prokopis Hatzinikolaou

The government is considering an increase in the number of installments allowed for the payment of the new Single Property Ownership Tax (ENFIA) for 2014 and to reduce its size from 2015 if the amount taxpayers are asked to pay exceeds that provided for by the budget.

No new extension for tax declarations, says Finance Ministry

The Finance Ministry said on Monday that there would be no new extension for income tax declarations, even though some 1 million Greeks have yet to submit their forms.

The original deadline was extended by two weeks to Monday, July 14 but the ministry said there would be no further delays.

Government adopts several bills

BELGRADE - The Serbian government adopted on Thursday several bills, including amendments to the law on income tax for citizens, in order the reform the business environment.

According to the government information service, the bills include employment tax reliefs meant to combat the gray economy.
