International Romani Day

International Romani Day Commemorates Romani Victims of the Holocaust Worldwide

Today, on April 8th, the world observes International Romani Day, honoring the memory of the Romani victims of the Holocaust. With over 500,000 Roma perishing in concentration camps during World War II, this day holds significant historical and cultural importance.

World Day for Honor the Victims Romani During World War II

On 8 April romani all around the world pay tribute to victims romani during World War II. It was declared as Romani Day in 1990, during the 4th World Romani Congress of the International Organization "Romani Union" in honor of the first major international meeting of representatives of the Romani ethnic group - the first Romani Congress, held on April 8th  1971 in London.

International Roma Day to be Marked in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Roma across the country celebrate April 8, the International Roma Day.

The International Day of the Roma is a day of celebration of Roma culture, history and traditions. The Day also draws attention to discrimination directed to their communities globally and calls for all human rights to be respected and observed.