International Space Station

Is Nasa hiding aliens? Astronaut covers up evidence of mystery flashing lights moving past the space station, UFO hunters claim (VIDEO+PHOTOS)

Astronauts on board the International Space Station are hiding evidence of aliens.
At least that’s the latest wild claim made by a group of UFO hunters who believe they have spotted strange flashing lights near the ISS.
The ‘mystery lights’ were seen in video uploaded by conspiracy theorist group Secure 10.

Incredible ISS live stream of Earth from space (live video)

The International Space Station – ISS – circles the earth at 240 miles above the planet. The station is crewed by NASA astronauts as well as Russian Cosmonauts and a mixture of Japanese, Canadian and European astronauts as well.

 As seen from the Nasa video ISS live stream on the International Space Station – 
A real astronaut view of Earth!
