Joe Biden presidential campaign

When US Vice President Biden ran out of money

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, whom we are hosting in Istanbul today, lost his 46-year-old son to cancer last May. When his son Beau was diagnosed with cancer, he was the attorney general of Delaware. Because he was to resign from his post and lose his salary, Joe Biden and his wife Jill thought over what they would do to finance the treatment costs.

US Vice President Joe Biden says he never apologized to Turkey

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said he has not apologized to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, contradicting a previous White House statement that claimed he did.

Instead, Biden said he told Erdoğan that his alleged accusation that Turkey helped to fuel the growth of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was misreported.

Turkish President Erdoğan demands apology if Biden uttered ISIL remarks

'If Biden told these words, then he will be history for me. I never uttered such remarks,' Turkish President Erdoğan said two days after US Vice President quoted him as saying that Turkey 'let too many people through' and mistakenly paved the way for the ISIL's rise across its border