
List of most ignorant countries in the world

A global study conduced by Ipsos Mori reveals which the most ignorant countries in the world are. The supposedly most ignorant places in the world have been named based on a survey of people’s knowledge about their own country. The 2016 “Index of Ignorance” includes information from 27,250 interviews of people aged 16 to 64 carried out between September and November.

A temporary European newsroom for journalists collaborating on the biggest challenges facing Europe

Hostwriter and its Armenian partner Youth Alliance via Networking offer ten journalists the chance to cover European topics from a cross-border perspective. With elections coming up in several European countries, overcoming national bias and prejudice is crucial to serve a well informed civil society.

The monument of Inability

What's worse than reforms which never take place are those that are actually approved, implemented and then abolished after a short period of time.

An example of this is a system of school facilities and teaching staff evaluations that stopped in 2015.

The anatomy of a 'writer of honor,' İonna Kuçuradi

Philosopher and Professor İonna Kuçuradi is the Writer of Honor of this year's TÜYAP Book Fair in Istanbul. Information on Kuçuradi's life and work is presented in the special related book prepared by Faruk Şüyün. The book is formed as a series of questions and answers, and is titled: "In Pursuit of Human Values - Persistently and with Hope - İonna Kuçuradi."

Anti-rationalism and anti-intellectualism

Skyrocketing demand for tarot card, coffee cup and tea leaf readers; communities dealing with drought by holding religious litanies; the private lives of judges revealed to all and sundry; anti-establishment groups hailing themselves as the "Sword of Damocles" and staging "symbolic" - to use their term - attacks against public buildings; the general sense of repugnance for all things learned an
