Kosovo Security Force

Week in Review: Ambitious Plans and Even Bigger Problems

Much Ado About Nothing

The EU's new enlargement methodology has been pitched as reinvigorating the accession process, breathing new life and dynamism into it. Yet in the Balkans, it has received a cool and muted response. Many local officials and observers are sceptical, seeing it as just a way to repackage the same old enlargement process in a slightly different way.

"Thaci made promise to NATO in 2013 regarding North"

NATO sources explained that there was an exchange of letters between then Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and former Secretary General Andreas Fogh Rasmussen.

"Basically, then prime minister Thaci took an obligation that the KSF (Kosovo Security Force) would not go north of the Ibar River without an agreement with the KFOR commander," one NATO source explained to RFE.
