Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Mistotakis: Tsipras is the biggest liar since 1974

Leader of Greece’s major opposition party New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the timing was ‘politically good’ for the conservative party addressing a ND event Monday in Athens. He added, however, that the timing for the country was problematic and attacked Greek PM Alexis Tsipras accusing him of ‘having told the greatest lies after 1974′ in Greek politics.

Why did Mitsotakis request elections?

For the first time since he elected president of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis clearly requests to conduct elections.

The party considers that the election game will be determined during negotiation talks with Greece’s lenders, since Mr. Mitsotakis is certain that whether Greece will reach an agreement or not, the next day will be very difficult.

Acrimonious political rhetoric in parliament a sign of early elections?

The open and often acrimonious confrontation between the Greek coalition government (SYRIZA-ANEL) with major opposition party New Democracy during Tuesday night’s discussion in parliament over matters of corruption and conflict of interest could be a prelude to political developments, even early elections.

Watch live: You should resign, ND leader told PM

President of main opposition New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis lashed out at Prime Minister and leader of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras in the beginning of his speech on the parliamentary debate on justice issues.

Among other things, he accused Alexis Tsipras of being the main responsible for the tragic situation in which the country is.
