Light pollution

Turkey’s first Dark Sky Park to open in Bursa

The Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, which has initiated works to become a member of the International Dark Sky Association, will set up Turkey's first Dark Sky Park in the city. Milky Way observation activities, educational activities and sports activities will be organized in the Dark Sky Park, which has only 92 examples in the world.

Sofia Municipality Will Pay BGN 160 million For Public Lighting

The Municipality of Sofia has launched a public procurement contract amounting to BGN 160 million for maintenance, repairs and construction of lighting in the city for the next 5 years.

The total amount is divided into four positions and candidates will be able to apply for one of them until 7 June, Trud reports.

David Lennon, aged 16, photographs a world without light pollution (stunning pics)

David Lennon, aged 16, tried to envision what cities would look like without light pollution.  He filmed time-lapse footage of the night sky with his Canon 6D from the night  sky in Tasmania and then overlaid these to night-time cities from around the world using editing software to create some timelapses in exquisite 4k resolution.

