Lord Byron

Lord Byron: New evidence surrounding the mystery of his daughter’s burial place

The mystery shrouding the fate of the body of Alegra Byron, daughter of Lord Byron and Claire Clermont, who died in an Italian convent at the age of five, is back in the news after the revelation of the monastery’s archive, as presented at the 48th International Byronic Conference in Me

Gran Spettacolo di Lord Byron | Athens | May 12

Marking the 200th anniversary of the great poet and philhellene Lord Byron's death, the Athenian Historical Dance Group presents a performance set in the 19th century at the Parnassos Literary Society (8 Agiou Georgiou Karitsi). Dancers in period costumes will perform to the music of Lord Byron's contemporaries like Rossini, Paganini and Schubert.

Honoring the spirit of Lord Byron

Defense Minister Nikos Dendias attended an event held at Trinity College Cambridge on Friday marking the 200th anniversary of Lord Byron's death. In his greeting, Dendias referred to George Gordon Byron's special relationship with Greece and his contribution to the struggle for Greek independence.

Lord Byron and the Greek Revolution

As we celebrated Greek Independence Day on March 25th, we took a deeper look at one of the crucial figures of the Greek Revolution of 1821, Lord Byron. 

Aside from his status as a world-renowned poet at the time, he was also perhaps the most famous philhellene to travel to Greece and ultimately give his life for Greek independence in 1824, 200 years ago. 
