The medium is the message

"Playing with Unfamiliar Territories" Boryana Ivanova - Artist, Innovator and Nomad on the Significance of Virtual Reality in Storytelling

Boryana Ivanova is a director and producer who creates fascinating stories for the general public. Boryana works with media companies and communities around the world, united around an idea - to open up new horizons for creativity. By combining different media, she seeks to create innovative stories and, at the same time, to address critical issues of social significance.

Today's Google Doodle is about the Man who Predicted the Internet

Google's Doodle have a fondness for celebrating legendary figures, but today's person of interest feels more appropriate for the venue than most. Reports TheVerge. 

The company hails Canadian professor, philosopher, and media sage Marshall McLuhan as a man who "saw the internet coming — and predicted just how much impact it would have."