
In 2018, the Average Monthly Poverty Line For Bulgaria is 351.11 BGN Average Per Person

In 2018, the average monthly poverty line for the country is 351.11 BGN average per person. The number of persons who are below this line is 1 550.8 thousand representing 22.0% of the population, according to data of the National Statistical Institute. 

NSI: Household Income Grows By 7.3% in 2018

The annual total income average per capita is 6 013 BGN in 2018 and increases by 7.6% compared to 2017. The total income average per household member increases 1.6 times during the 2009 - 2018 period.

The following more important changes with respect to the sources of total average income per household member are observed during the 2009 - 2018 period:

Which are the 20 most Powerful Brands on the Bulgarian Market in 2019?

When consumers wonder what brand to buy, Bulgarian consumers are mainly guided by the opinions of friends, not the famous people who use a particular brand. This shows the results of a GfK study in Bulgaria as part of the global Superbrands program for 2019.

Participants were 2095 men and women using the Internet.

BoG: Tourism drives property market higher

Tourism was the main driving force behind the recovery seen in the Greek property market in 2018, according to the annual report issued by the Bank of Greece on Monday.

"Tourism and related domains accounted for the majority of investment capital attracted, offering a boost to local markets and assisting demand for housing and retail spaces in certain areas too," the report read.

Most retailers see turnover drop due to glut of offers

Seven out of every 10 retailers polled by the institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE) said that they saw a drop in turnover over this year's winter sales period, from mid-January to the end of February, compared to last year.

Only 8 percent of enterprises reported an increase in turnover this year.

Bulgaria's Unemployment Rate For Q4 is 4.7%

Bulgaria's unemployment rate dropped to 4.7% in the fourth quarter of 2018 from 5.6% in the same period 2017, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) said on Thursday, quoted by SeeNews. 

Youth unemployment, covering persons in the age bracket 15-29 years, dropped to 7.4% in the period under review from 9.4% in the fourth quarter of 2017, NSI said in a quarterly labour force survey.
