Modern painters

Pranksters Bury Fake Picasso in Romanian Forest

A Romanian-born Dutch writer who thought she had found Picasso's missing Harlequin Head has revealed that she was the victim of an elaborate hoax.

Mira Feticu wrote a book on the sensational theft of seven masters from the Kunsthal in Amsterdam in October 2012, which was named the "theft of the century" for its daringness.

Artists Turn Bulgarian Village Into Open-air Gallery

Bulgarians may have only heard of New York's Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, but now they can see some the most iconic artworks there - without having to fly to the Big Apple.

They just have to come to the village of Staro Zhelezare, near Hisarya and Plovdiv in central Bulgaria, and stroll along its streets, which artists have turned into an open-air gallery.

Cy Twombly | Athens | To July 29

Strawberries, tulips and lemons - subjects photographed by Cy Twombly from 1985 to 2008 in Rome and Gaeta - reveal how the celebrated American artist captured moments of day-to-day life with such earnestness even when he was a student, at the Gagosian Gallery through July 29.
