Muamer Zukorlić

Serbian Muslim Leader’s Body to be Exhumed Due to Suspected Poisoning

Muamer Zukorlic's coffin being carried to his grave. Photo: Muamer Zukorlic/Facebook

"As part of the investigation, a statement was taken from Usame Zukorlic [son of Muamer Zukorlic], and then an order was given to exhume the body of the late Muamer Zukorlic, with which the family agreed," the prosecutor's office told Radio Sto Plus on Thursday.

Parties condemn Ugljanin's inflammatory rhetoric

NOVI PAZAR - The speech by Sulejman Ugljanin, leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) of Sandzak and chairman of the Bosniak National Council (BNV), in which he called Serbia "a chauvinistic country", claiming that it is carrying out violence and discrimination against Bosniaks, has been met with strong condemnation from officials and certain political parties, primarily other parties br
