Municipal solid waste

Garbage piles up around Tahtalı Stream

As trash and debris have piled up alongside the stream in the western province of İzmir's Menderes district that feeds into the Tahtalı Dam, a significant supply of drinking water for the city has come under an alarming threat.

The dumping of garbage and debris next to Tahtalı Stream, flowing into Tahtalı Dam, which meets İzmir's drinking water needs, has caused an outrage.

The waste processing units for eastern Thessaloniki and Larissa are being auctioned

Shortly before the end of 2022, notices were published for the construction of two important waste management infrastructures. These are the Waste Treatment Units (WTUs) of the Eastern Sector of Western Macedonia and Larissa, with a budget of 241.9 million euros and 54.6 million euros.

Village muhtars come to metropolis to collect paper waste: Report

Muhtars (local heads) of many Anatolian villages come to Istanbul as seasonal workers to collect paper waste at the time of the year when they cannot earn a living with farming, according to a report by an agency affiliated with the Istanbul Metropolis Municipality.

The Istanbul Planning Agency's report showed that some 18 tons of domestic waste are collected daily in the metropolis.
