
Increased toll rates now in effect on major Greek motorways

The new, increased toll rates for both mainline and side toll stations take effect on Wednesday, January 1, for the Patras - Corinth - Elefsina and Antirrio - Ioannina motorways, as well as the Rio - Antirrio Bridge.

Under the increased rates announced by "Olympia Odos," a passenger car trip from Patras to Elefsina will now cost €13.30, up from €12.60.

Cargo ship grounded at the port of Antirrio

A cargo ship flying the Belize flag with a crew of 10 foreign nationals ran aground on a sandy shallow 0.8 nautical miles west of the port of Antirrio, in the Patras Gulf.

The vessel, which is carrying gravel, has a tugboat stationed nearby for assistance.

The sea area is experiencing west-southwest winds of 5 to 6 Beaufort at the time of the incident.

George Tsunis: Greece and the U.S. should become a “beacon of opportunities”

At the conclusion of the 3rd Economic Conference of Naftemporiki, U.S. Ambassador to Greece, George Tsunis, delivered a touching and message-filled speech. He emphasized the principles of democracy, self-determination, and equal opportunities, expressing his desire for Greece and the U.S.

Ερντογάν στην κομματική του νεολαία: «Είστε στην ηλικία που ο Πορθητής κατέκτησε την Κωνσταντινούπολη»

Αναφορές από το Ματζικέρτ έως τον Σαγγάριο
