News agencies

Hackers attempt to "silence" Tanjug from Serbian-based IP addresses

BELGRADE - The Tanjug News Agency has since Tuesday been targeted by intensive hacker attacks from over 50 different IP addresses.

The attacks are aimed at taking down the agency's IT system through its website and at rendering Tanjug unable to operate and making its services unavailable to media and other subscribers.

Panteion University adds 'Iranian corner' to library

Panteion University in Athens on Tuesday inaugurated the so-called "Iranian corner" at the institution's library. University rector Ismini Kriari and Iran's cultural attache Ali Muhammad Helmi presided over the opening. "It contains books that are about Iranian culture, history and contemporary political issues," said Kriari of the collection.

Silk Road to also connect European, Chinese news agencies

FRANKFURT - Representatives of European news agencies, including Tanjug, have agreed to cooperate with the China Economic Information Service (CEIS) - an affiliate of the Chinese state-owned news agency Xinhua - on exchange of economic and financial information related to the Belt and Road project.
