Nikolaos Michaloliakos

Mitsotakis’ meeting with Gennimata: they agree that Tsipras must go

The two leaders agreed that the current government can not handle the problems of the country and the only solution is for the SYRIZA-ANEL government to leave office.

The meeting started at mid-day and it was Mitsotakis’ initiative. It is planned to meet with all the leaders of the opposition except the leader of the Golden Dawn, Mr. Michaloliakos.

Dead rapper’s father: Murderer had orders to kill my son because his lyrics bothered Golden Dawn!

The trial of Golden Dawn MPs and members resumed on Tuesday with the testimony of Panayiotis Fyssas, the father of the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas who was stabbed to death two years ago by a member of the neo-Nazi party in Keratsini, west of Athens.
