Operation Atalanta

EUNAVFOR MED Irini / 3 month mission of Romanian Naval Forces in Mediterranean Sea

The minelayer Vice Admiral Constantin Balescu (PM-274), with a detachment of combat divers on board, is departing on Thursday, from the military port of Constanta, to take part in the EUNAVFOR MED Irini operation, in the Mediterranean Sea, between October 1 - December 31.

Serbian military team completes tour with EU NAVFOR

DJIBOUTI, BELGRADE - The Serbian Armed Forces first autonomous team for protecting ships from pirates, which participated in Operation Atalanta of the EU Naval Force (NAVFOR), completed its tour of duty with NAVFOR on Tuesday.

A ceremony was held at the French base in Djibouti to mark the end of team's tour and they were presented with medals for their work with NAVFOR.