Parliament of Singapore

Bracing for 101-day electoral marathon

The assurance by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that the elections will be held in May, with the 21st and 28th being considered as the most likely days, has put the country's political system in overdrive until July 2, when the second round is expected. During this time there will be three or probably four periods with extremely dense developments.

General chaos and fighting in the Parliament VIDEO

Almost from the very beginning, the session was tense, because the representatives of the opposition constantly threw insults at Vui during his introductory speech, for which the Speaker of the Parliament, Vladimir Orli, warned them several times. Also, the representatives of the opposition brought several banners into the hall.
On one of them was written "No capitulation".

Serbian gov't tables report on Kosovo-Metohija talks to MPs

BELGRADE - The Serbian government has tabled to MPs a Report on the Talks Process with Institutions of the Interim Self-Government Authorities in Pristina from September 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023, the Serbian parliament said on its official website.

As announced earlier, MPs will debate the report from February 2.

The minimum consensus

The Hellenic Parliament's democratic parties must agree on the handling of those convicted of running a criminal organization. 

Although the relevant debate has opened very close to the general elections, there is no room for calculations and political expediencies. 

Together, they must all find a way to protect the institution of Parliament and public life.
