
Kosovo Police Stop 'Illegal' Serb Census Attempts

Kosovo Police said they raided Serbian Red Cross centres on the authorisation of the courts on Wednesday night in Prizren, Pristina, Pejë/Pec, Gjilan/Gnjilane and Mitrovicë/Mitrovica.

"Seized documents are suspected to be related to a census, considered suspicious and in contradiction to the law, as a census should be conducted by Kosovo institutions," the police press release said.

European development bank funds Turkey's investment in high-tech undersea cable system

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has said it is funding Turkey's investment in a new high-tech fiber-optic submarine communications cable system that will carry data between 17 countries, from Singapore to France and Italy, in written statement on Sept. 21.

BIRN's Kosovo War Film Wins US Festival Award

The Unidentified, which names the Serbian officers who ordered attacks on Kosovo villages around the town of Pec/Peja in 1999 and those involved in the cover-up operation to hide the victims' bodies, was awarded the best short documentary prize at the South East European Film Festival in Los Angeles on Thursday.
