Philosophy of love

World sex statistics: Find out why Greek lovers are still the best!

So far studies have shown that Greek libidos are flagging as a result of the country’s economic crisis, however new research published in Thrillist has come to disprove the notion! Dr. Simon Hardy of the University of Worcester states that the downturn in the economy hasn’t affected the confidence level of Greeks at all in his study “The Greeks, Eroticism and Ourselves.”

Forget Prozac or Viagra… Scientists find that churchgoing is the best way to be happy!

Researchers found that people who join religious organizations have better mental health than those who don’t. In fact, a four-year study by the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands monitored 9,000 people aged over 50 across Europe found that a session at church was more beneficial than taking part in sport or charity work.

What’s in a kiss (table)

Kissing is something that comes natural to people. Science has given us some insight on what matters in the smooching ‘process’. Studies have revealed that kissing helps us select the right mate, other research has found that kissing helps us live longer; 146 muscles are used to perform the act; while we exchange 80 million bacteria when we lock lips.

Did any of my grandfathers kill Armenians?

Every Turkish person has heard something related to the Armenian massacre from their elderly family members? I heard of a river flowing red, a village relocating itself, a baby girl saved from a burning house? Maybe it is the right time to cry all together? I have been contemplating for a long time, just like the one last week, writing this second piece?

"Unrequited love" results in murder-suicide in Belgrade cafe

"Unrequited love" results in murder-suicide in Belgrade cafe

BELGRADE -- A man in his 50s on Monday shot and killed a waitress before committing suicide in a cafe in central Belgrade, B92 has learned.

The incident happened in the Fracci cafe in Strahinjica Bana Street.

Unofficially, the motive behind the murder-suicide was "unrequited love."
