Physical attractiveness

Event to analyze Greece’s attractiveness as an investment destination

On October 3 EY will exclusively present the findings of the research it is conducting on a global scale titled "EY Attractiveness Survey, Greece 2023," at the 6th InvestGR Forum 2023: Greece, Staying the Course - the first presentation of the findings in Greece.

The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world! (photos)

Bad news everyone. You know how statistics and the internet do an amazing job at capturing reality? Well, the two recently combined their powers of assessment and aimed them unforgivingly at your face. Internet dating, perhaps the highest authority on beauty, has just released an exclusive, damning report on how ugly you are.

Average age for beautiful people is 38

Fears that modern society is obsessed with youth may be unfounded after research showed that the average age of people judged the most beautiful is now closer to 40.
Scientists from Boston University School of Medicine compared celebrities who were listed in People magazine’s World’s Most Beautiful list in 1990 and compared it them to 2017.
