Planetary habitability

It would take 2 million years to reach planet K2-18b, scientist says

It will take two million years to reach K2-18b, a rocky planet orbiting in the habitable zone of red dwarf K2-18, according to Angelos Tsiaras of the University College London's Center for Space Exochemistry Data (CSED) and the leader of one of the research teams that last week detected water vapor in its atmosphere.

Scientists discover two potentially habitable ‘super-Earth’ planets just 12 light years away

Two potentially habitable “super-Earths” orbit a star just 12 light years away that is our nearest sun-like neighbour, scientists have discovered.

The worlds at the edges of Tau Ceti’s “habitable zone” belong to a solar system of four rocky planets similar in size to Earth.

Scientists just discovered an alien planet that’s the best candidate for life as we know it


Only a few decades ago, the thought of any alien planets existing in the reaches of space were just hypothetical ideas. Now, we know of thousands of such planets – and today, scientists may have discovered the best candidate yet for alien life.

Life everywhere

Only 39 light-years away, astronomers have found seven planets circling a very small "red dwarf" star called Trappist-1. All seven are in or near what we call the "Goldilocks zone": Not too hot, not too cold, but just right for water to remain liquid on the planet. So we all speculate once again, but a little more bravely this time, about whether some of these planets might be home to life.
