Planetary science

Astronaut on the International Space Station captures the Northern Lights – Stunning timelapse video

Astronaut Matthew Dominick, currently on the International Space Station (ISS), captured an impressive video of the Northern Lights.

In the astronaut’s timelapse video, it shows the Moon setting and the Sun rising amid “streams of red and green auroras.”

Massive Asteroid Makes Close Approach to Earth

Astronomers worldwide have issued a warning about an imposing celestial object known as '2013 NK4', set to make a close approach to Earth. According to reports from Earth Sky, this significant space rock, with a diameter of approximately 2000 feet, is expected to be visible through a small telescope as it passes at a distance eight times that between Earth and the Moon.

Astronomers spot new tiny moons around Neptune and Uranus

Astronomers have found three previously unknown moons in our solar system, two additional moons circling Neptune and one around Uranus.

The distant tiny moons were spotted using powerful land-based telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, and announced Friday by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.

The latest tally puts Neptune at 16 known moons and Uranus at 28.
