Politics of Germany

A new government for Germany, and its role in the world

After five months without a government, members of the center-left SPD have now voted to join another coalition led by Chancellor Angela Merkel. There has been no great sense of urgency in Germany. Its economy continues to grow, and its politics remain stable. Yet, the weakness of this latest "grand coalition" is bad news for Europe and for the world.

First Day Back at Work and Angela Merkel Tackles Reform of EU

Angela Merkel vowed to prioritise EU integration along with France and turn her attention back to global issues such as Syria as she was formally nominated to return as German chancellor, The Times writes.

Mrs Merkel, 63, sounded a note of urgency after spending about six months mired in coalition negotiations.

Martin Schulz Withdrew from the Leadership of the German Social Democrats

Social Democratic Party leader Martin Schulz announced his resignation, DPA reported. Shortly after, the party's leadership announced that it supported the chairman of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles for the post. Her candidacy will be voted on by party members on April 22.
